I'd like to bring awareness to a very important topic, that you may have heard of and it's called "Bullycide".
Believe it or not, bullying can sometimes lead to suicide and unfortunately it's sadly increasing.
The word "bullycide" actually means "the act or an instance of killing oneself intentionally as a result of bullying".
So my advice to everyone going through this situation is to always be brave and strong and not give up on yourselves because there's always hope.
And if you see someone being bullied, then please reach out to them without judging them negatively.
Amy "Dolly" Everett grew up in the Northern Territory of Australia, but just 14 years old when she decided to take her own life as a result of the psychological hardships that she faced as a result of being cyber-bullying and the last thing she said, before she died was: "Speak even if your voice shakes." as a warning to others for them to not be ashamed to ask for help, if they're being bullied.
Model Charlotte Dawson also took her own life as a result of being cyber-bullied, but she was an adult, so this is just solid proof that bullycide doesn't discriminate in ages and I wholeheartedly feel that drastic action needs to be taken in order for this sad epidemic to stop.
Let's just learn as much as we can from both the stories on both these links and do what we do needs to do as a community to help prevent bullycide.
Charlotte Dawson story - https://mariamakhoul.blogspot.com.au/.../just-word-in...
Amy "Dolly" Everett story -http://www.abc.net.au/.../dolly-everett-nt.../9317056 .
(This article is originally a Facebook post)
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