Old Custom
In time, in May, we received a statue of the Blessed Virgin in a little box that is walking from house to house. Everybody was very proud to receive her at home. It was an honour. In memory of this ancient custom, I will send the Virgin Mary to come to you and help you if you wish. Whether you believe in it or not, it would be nice to forward this picture in order for the Virgin Mary to keep travelling from house to house, from home to home, from workplace to workplace, from computer to computer, from phone to phone,…She will end up coming to someone who will need her…Our Blessed Mother: Our Blessed Mother: we thank you for travelling the world carrying our worries with you! I send this to you,
I send it to you (this prayer), so that you can continue to help others, because there are people who need her (the Virgin Mother Mary).
I hope you have a safe trip, Our Holy Mother.