Saturday, October 28, 2017

We're not incapacitated, we just have special needs

Dedicated to all those beautiful souls who through their disabilities teach us so many lessons.

I sit in silence and in my silence, I feel more than you do.

In my silence, I feel your love.

In my silence, I communicate not with individuals, but with the entire Universe.

In my silence, I speak with the angels.

Don't let my silence or my physical disabilities sadden you, or think that I’m "different" because I’m not… I came here on a mission.

Before I decided to come into this world, I chose to teach people a lesson through my silence and/or physical disability.

The lesson is that we essentially are all the same, whether it’s because of the fact that we all have different physical appearances or because of the fact that some of us are quiet achievers and prefer communicating in silence, letting our actions speak louder than words.

We are one.

I sit in silence.

Written by Matoula Psillakis

Thursday, January 26, 2017

All my friends are married. Where do I go now?

If anyone reading this article thinks that I’m complaining about my life and/or loathing it in any way, shape or form, then think again, because you sometimes need to take the cards that life throws at you no matter the capacity in which they come in: be it permanent or temporary as well as being hard or easy; because it’s what you do with those cards that helps determine whether you sink or swim through them.
Case in point, as I look through my circle of friends, I see that the majority of my friends who are around my age are now parents and I know that this could be a really lonely and sometimes confronting time for people who are childless, because they might feel like they’re the odd ones out and equally feel like they no longer have anything in common with their once-single friends, so here’s my advice to those struggling with this:

Know that it’s completely natural to sometimes feel this way and you’re not alone, don’t be completely disheartened by that, try not to listen to people who judge you negatively on it and instead try to take as much time as you need to understand what your friend’s new life step entails and try to think of ways in which you could support them, in the life stage that you’re at.

Let me assure you by confirming that I have sometimes felt that at different times in my adult life, but I haven’t let that in itself stop me from having a place in my friends’ lives because of the respect we have for each other’s life journeys.

I also feel really blessed to be a “surrogate aunty” to all my friends’ kids and I’m also looking forward to having my story instil bravery, courage, resilience as well as a fighting spirit in them.